I decided to do Emily Falconbridge's 52 Questions challenge this year, but will stick to small tags to make it a more manageable project.
Here are the first two tags! My answers to the questions are on the reverse side and as they are personal I will not show them!
Beautiful tags Kathy I am almost tempted to join in the challenge after seeing these. I must try to resist though, with so much catching up to do!
I will enjoy coming here and seeing yours though :o)
these are just so lush
they are gorgeous Kath. Love the layering.
brll tags...love the layering too
Kathy these are both gorgeous - I just love everything about them :=)
I am going to doing this challenge too but have promised my self that I won't start until I finish last years projects! Which I now have!
Love all the stamping
Oh Kathy these are super you've sorely tempted me now but I really must crack on with the ones I'm doing first.
Oh like Shirley and Kay, I am tempted but cannot possibly manage this one as well or I would crack with stress!!
Well done you on all the projects you are managing xx
Wow these are fantastic Kath. I really wouldn't know where to start.
Soooo lovely, Kath, just love your tags, but think I will resist, as I have already committed to SLYMI and possibly Annas too!!
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