Page 52 - what's my style, I don't have one! I wear what I feel comfortable in, have an easy to care for hairstyle, I am not a slave to fashion! My lifestyle, well a bit chaotic, luckily I do not have to be a slave to work anymore so there is not a lot of routine either! Pic shows the hat I wore to my son's wedding a few years ago, I am not a hat person really! I think the style of my life has evolved over the years according to my circumstances! Do I admire people with "style", not if it rules their life! But I do admire people who can be "different" to the accepted norm!
Brilliant layout:)
Im not a hat person either,,,i would love to wear hats, but they all look ridculous on me! One day i may find a hat which does suit me!
Love your page today and your journalling thoughts too.
I'm def not a hat person!
Me neither, I've been trying loads for a special wedding coming up but they just don't work. So well done you love the LO.
You have been busy well done with the los they are all fab
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