Sunday, 24 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 55 - nature really is peaceful, both in sound and colour! I love to walk listening to the sound of the wind, the birds singing and animals scampering! Peaceful nature reserves can be found in surprising places now, we have one near a motorway, at the end of a supermarket car park, but it is so peaceful there! I am very lucky to have lots of open land around where I can go to enjoy this. Can I bring this peace into my whole life? I can but try!

A lo of me, I played with the pics in photoshop and quite liked the effect so went with a black and white lo, even though the flowers look brown here for some reason!

Saturday, 23 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 54 - eyes, ignore the wrinkles and bags, look into them and see the beautiful person! Lips, don't speak if your comments are unkind! Walk, either in person or spirit with loved ones! You are never alone! This quote can be interpreted in so many ways!

Friday, 22 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 53 - is it beautiful or useful, good question about some of my junk! Went with kitchen sink for my pic today, useful and could be beautiful when it is clean and tidy! Have made a start on decluttering the house, but it will be a slow process! Sentiment makes us hang on to things which are no longer useful or beautiful! I must be firm with myself and throw things out! Anything useful will go on Freecycle! But.... do I want to live in a show house or a real home?

Thursday, 21 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 52 - what's my style, I don't have one! I wear what I feel comfortable in, have an easy to care for hairstyle, I am not a slave to fashion! My lifestyle, well a bit chaotic, luckily I do not have to be a slave to work anymore so there is not a lot of routine either! Pic shows the hat I wore to my son's wedding a few years ago, I am not a hat person really! I think the style of my life has evolved over the years according to my circumstances! Do I admire people with "style", not if it rules their life! But I do admire people who can be "different" to the accepted norm!

365 Challenge week 7 LO

Not girly or pink, my lo for week 7 of this challenge, about my Valentine!

DD3 looking very thoughtful, wonder what was on her mind?

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 51 - Change, either ourselves or our world? I can change my photo image with the click of a button, not so easy to change myself! I can do small things to change the world! It's all the small changes which make a difference!

My beautiful dd1, dressed up to the nine's last year for a special outing!

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 50 - Happiness, so many people and things can make me happy, and have done over the years! Some are silly little things and others are major events! Do we need bad things to make us appreciate happiness? Do we just take it for granted?

Pics taken when we did the Race for Life, show dd1&3 and dd3's"mil and sil". If I could find my medal I would have added that too!

February week 3 challenge on UKS, loosely based on PL sketch 72. More old pics of dd2&3 taken in 1985.

Monday, 18 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 49 - music, for entertainment, relaxing,and playing! Some tastes change over the years, don't like modern pop, but others don't, still love the classics! Is it the food of love? Can set the mood! Think it is important for children to be exposed to in all forms!

This pic shows the look of accomplishment on dh's and dd3's partners faces after fitting a loft ladder in their new home! Only took about 5 hous with a short lunch break!

Sunday, 17 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 48 - scissors, got to have them! Not just for crafting, need for so many other things too! So many choices, but buying good quality is worth it! Even a pair to cut out Megan's tangles! I do find it easier to craft with scissors rather than a knife!

DD2 watching the final of world cup last year. She gets very passionate about her rugby! The colours are much more red than they look here!

Saturday, 16 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 47 - Chocolate, not many people don't like it! My favourite is dark chocolate! Gave my children a taste for chocolate too, puddings and cakes were geat favourites! Small quantities are apparently good for you! Keep telling myself that!

Friday, 15 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 46 - Yes, life is wonderful, might not seem it at the time always but things work out! Like a jigsaw we don't see the whole picture until it is finished. Pic was taken last weekend when playing with my remote control for camera.

UKS team challenge to do a yellow lo.

Thursday, 14 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 45 - Valentine's day so has to be a pic of dh, can't take one of us together as he isn't here! Our love story is a long one as we are "old" now, but don't feel it! Have written a lot of journalling in the file folder. The hedgehog is there because I love them and he knows it!

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

This started out as a slo from Little Book of Sketches by Catherine Latta with the lo on the left, but evolved to a double lo. Done for a team challenge on UKS

365 Challenge

Page 44 - don't know this film, must admit to not really enjoying today's films, so went with the option of my hair and it's changes over the years! Don't even have hairspray in this house!
I challenged myself to do a couple of lo's without using patterned paper! Here's the results!

8x8 lo for Grandad's album, shows ds with dgs2. Hand stitching in corners.

Pics taken about 8am yesterday morning! Love the feeling of misty mornings as long as I don't have to drive anywhere!

My lo for this weeks challenge on UKS! Why does he always know when I try to take his photo, and either pull a face or poke his tongue out!

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 43 - not inspired today so gone for the breakfast theme! Journalled about whether we need to eat breakfast etc, and different sorts of breakfasts! DH always has cornflakes, have to be Kelloggs, had them for the past 50+ years, now with skimmed milk and no sugar, has cranberries instead!

Monday, 11 February 2008

365 Challenge week 6 LO

The whole picture here including my BIL. My husband is everything to me, I hope we have many more years together, but will make the most of everyday anyway!

Poor Megan, getting older now but still tries to act like a puppy! LO based on PL sketch 55.

365 Challenge

Page 42 - life is all about balancing what you do, very difficult when I had 4 young children all doing different things! But we did make the effort to make time for ourselves! Now I can balance as much as I like, hence the pic of me balancing on one foot!

Sunday, 10 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 41 - Love this pic of dgs1 on the train, captured his reflection in the window as he looked at another train in the station! Journalling, is it good to reflect on life and what has happened?

Page 40 - 5 things in my day today, breakfast, sun rising over chimney tops, hoovering, fun(old pic last Halloween but was going through pics) and my dh!

Friday, 8 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 39 - smiles are always better than frowns! It is a beautiful sunny day today so lots of smiles here!

DGS2, 2 weeks old and wordly wise!

DH at work back in 2002 enjoying his lunch!

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Page 38 - I love to create, doing crafts of all sorts. This pic shows my Mum's old piano which found it's way to my house when she had to move into a flat many years ago. We have always had a piano, and I had lessons, so it is really at home with me. I do try to play it often and can still play some exam pieces I learnt years ago. My Mum loved her piano, couldn't read music but could play any tune by ear, chords and all! Kids thought that was fantastic! So today I have created a memory! And it has my hand in the pic!

365 Challenge week5 LO

My lo for week 5 of this challenge. Red is not my colour but if I think about it, there is red in my life, red wine, red meat, beetroot etc. And Mum's old books of course! Taking the Picasso theme I have used paint and bubble wrap for the background and swiped other colour paints over the page.

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Pencil Lines sketch 68 which a UKS teamie challenged us to do!

365 Challenge

Page 37 - pic taken on army ranges where I have been walking my dogs for over 20 years! Lots of puddles and mud in winter! I journalled about puddles being obstacles, take the long way round or cut through and take the consequences. Must admit to wearing wellies sometimes so I can splash, there's not often many people around! Also referred to foods! And the attraction children have to mud!

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 36, not a very flattering pic of me taken this morning! Journalling is hidden today as it is quite personal, reviewing progress on our goals for the year. Not done too well there! Need a lot of hard work! But I have kept up with this challenge and am still having fun!

UKS February week 1 challenge, another chance to get an old pic scrapped! DD2 playing french cricket!

Monday, 4 February 2008

365 Challenge

Page 35 - I love to cook but don't do as much nowadays! Like to try new recipes and new ingredients. The more care I take the better it turns out! But pastry is one thing I have to be in the mood to make to ensure success! Love, not sure if I entered into it with abandon but it has lasted for more than 40 years!

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Lo based on Mojoholder sketch 48. Pic of dh and dgs2, such a tender look on his face!

UKS team mate suggested we all do PL sketch 67, this is my lo, dgs1 again, enjoying the bath! Pleased with the pic I took which captured the water droplets!

8x8 lo, pic was taken at Make It show in January, a meeting of old and new friends on our UKS team. We all had a great day!

365 Challenge

Page 33 - this pic was taken in the morning, been to front of house to take pic of sunrise, walking back in I spotted the moon, never believe it was 7.45am! Journalling says all the beautiful things in my life, family, friends, hobbies and the world around me! Pictures will keep these memories!

Page 34 - pic is dh and dgs1 having a muddy game of football in the park! It is such fun to play with kids, are we reliving our youth? We also love to play games at home, have all the kids old games still, and have a hilarious time playing them! Christmas and New year is always time to play old favourites like Newmarket and Pit. The in laws we have gained over the last few years thought we are mad, but still join in the fun!

Friday, 1 February 2008

365 Challenge

I really don't do red at all but remembered I had these old books of Mum's on a top shelf in the bookcase, just can't bring myself to dispose of them. They were her favourites from many years ago and have been well read! Suppose it keeps a little bit of her with me all the time!

DD2, not dressed up to the nines but still beautiful!