Naughty me, remiss about uploading again!
Had a crop last weekend so was quite productive, here's just a few of my lo's.
These are the muffins dd1 made for a bake off at work, and not being an overconfident cook, she was so pleased to win, no prize, just the prestige!

Think dgs2 will charm the ladies with this cheeky grin, could get him out of all sorts of trouble!

A double lo from a day out at Portsmouth dockyard with the dgc! For some reason dgs1 has always been reluctant to go on board HMS Warrior, but this day we managed to get him aboard, with the proviso we didn't go below deck!

Imagine our surprise when dgs1 decided he was going to climb up this bridge, so of course dgs2 wanted to go up as well, so Nana had to climb up