Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Tag 19 for 52 Q challenge.

Tag 20 for same challenge.

This photo was taken at a preserved railway signal box, dgs1 has always been fascinted by trains so thoroughly enjoyed this visit!

This lo was May week one challenge on UKS, photo is dgs1 rolling around in the grass!

Thursday, 7 May 2009

SLYMI challenge lo 18, to scrap the "outdoors". Not a brilliant photo but sitting in the grass at Winkworth I spotted these pheasants scurrying along!

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Two more lo's for my sister of her dgc taken over the Bank holiday weekend!

Messing about with the camera in the park with our dgc!

Dh in his element at Basingstoke train station!

Tags 16,17 & 18 for 52Q challenge! Least I am up to date with this challenge!