For my pleasure and to show my scrap book lay outs
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
The penultimate page for this project, learning something new! I made the most of good weather yesterday to go for a walk, so glad I did as it has poured with rain today!
Another pic of my baby!
this is the lo done for September week 5 challenge on UKS, the photo shows the little baby plants after we had removed them from the mother plant and put them in their own pots! My dd is very proud of these plants!
These 6x6 lo's are done for my sister, they are her grandchildren! She will fill in the journalling. The party fun was for the little boy!
And this is his little sister!
Monday, 29 September 2008
A fun lo of my friend!
LSNED 26, late flowers, just like me, I will catch up on my projects!
LSNED, a day out at Ally Pally, and met some cyberfriends! And also Shimelle!
LSNED, time to reflect on yesterday and take it all in! The time went too fast but I have happy memories!
Friday, 26 September 2008
Day 25 and although I hate supermarket shopping, today I learnt another one is giving up supplying plastic carrier bags! To me this is good!
Thursday, 25 September 2008
The 24th day of LSNED challenge, and today I learnt how good it feels to succeed. In seven weeks of going to Slimming World I have now lost 10% of my starting weight, although there is a way to go yet, I am very happy with my progress!
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Today I felt sad as someone I thought of as a friend has, I feel, betrayed that friendship! But there isn't time in life to dwell on these things, I will wait and see what happens! Today's page for Learn Something New Every Day.
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
It isn't until overgrown trees are trimmed that you realise how much light they have been blocking from your house! That was my learning for the 22nd day of Shimelle's challenge!
This lo was done for a team challenge on UKS. Had to use autumn colours, nature or outdoor theme, patterned paper but I forgot the sparkle! Sorry!
This is my lo for September week 4 challenge on UKS, we had to use a pic of someone sleeping, scraps, stamped image and a heart. Photo is dd3's partner being scrutinised by dgs1 who was wondering if he was really alseep!
Monday, 22 September 2008
Yesterday I learnt how much excitement a trip on the canal in a pedalo with your parents can evoke in a three year old! And the orange life jacket is another story! This is the 21st page of Shimelle's challenge!
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Day 20, and today I learnt how hard it is to take a family photo and get everyone smiling or even looking in the right direction. Still got some good pics though! Really enjoying this Shimelle challenge, can't believe we are well over half way now!
Today was one of those days where I seemed to be chasing my tail all day! However much time I think I have, I always ended up in a rush! The 19th day of Shimelle's challenge!
Friday, 19 September 2008
The 18th page, and today I learnt that to some people voluntary does not mean for nothing. I'd never expect payment for voluntary work! I also leant how some people just want to be in charge, and will try to ride rough shod over others to achieve their aim!
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Here is my page 17, rather a sad one as today I learnt that despite all you do, however hard you try, you can't always win the battle. George the guinea pig has had teeth problems for the past 3 weeks, despite operations and force feeding, and lots of love and cuddles, he died today. He gave us so much pleasure, and now he is at peace.
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
The 16th day of Shimelle's challenge, over half way now! Last night dd3 visited for dinner, and dd1 decided it would be fun to attack her with the hair curlers, a sort of dry run for a night out they are having soon. The ensuing giggles and squeals taught me how close they are, and how they can still have fun even though they are supposed to be grown up!
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Today I learnt that having a small knife and fork to eat with doesn't mean having a small appetite by the amount that dgs1 managed to eat this dinner time! My 15th page for Shimelle's class!
Monday, 15 September 2008
Page 14 for Shimelle's LSNED. I learnt that not everyone who drives is good at judging the size of their car! Waiting to turn right, a lady came round the corner too wide, nothing I could do except sit there and have a scraped rear bumper! Having a new car and not being used to it is no excuse!
Sunday, 14 September 2008
The next page for LSNED, this made me remember how bossy a three year old can be!
Page 12 for LSNED. I really should know to check I have all the ingredients before I start baking! Quick trip to the supermarket needed here as no eggs!
Friday, 12 September 2008
Page 11 for LSNED. Usually lucky with trains, but not today, but wait not too long!
Page 10 for LSNED, if I hadn't put it off I wouldn't have had to do it in the drizzle!
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
This is page 9 for LSNED. I saw the strength and maturity of my eldest daughter, and I am so proud of her as she has had a tough year so far!
This is my lo for the weekly challenge on UKS. Had to use a sketch, black and white, stamping and 9 embellies. The photos were taken at Brookwood Military Cemetary.
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
The eighth page for this challenge. Maybe I didn't learn something entirely new, but my knowledge was reinforced!
Monday, 8 September 2008
One week down, here is page no 7 for Shimelle's challenge. Amazingly this is dgs1's cow, done on a card for his aunty as he knows she likes them. I'd have thought a child would think of a cow as black and white.
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Here it is, page 6. I learnt how much noise one piano and one three year old could make, especially when egged on by an aunty!
Saturday, 6 September 2008
Page 5 for Learn Something New Every Day, I learnt about generosity when someone I don't even know gave these home grown vegetables to my daughter as a gift for me!
Friday, 5 September 2008
Page 4 for Shimelle's class, where I learnt that computers have a mind of their own, and I don't know enough about them! Note to self, must learn more-----one day!
Thursday, 4 September 2008
Third page of Shimelle's Learn Something New Every Day. I learnt how silted up our canal has become since volunteers cleared it all 20 years ago. This is due to the councils not having enough money to maintain it properly.
Today I learnt I really should check the settings on electrical gadgets before turning them on, too high a speed in a pan of soup = mess!
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Have started doing Shimelle's Learn Something New Every Day class and here is day one. I didn't know you could syringe feed a guinea pig with special food but we have had to for a couple of days as he has tooth problems, had an operation and now won't eat.
This is my lo for week 35 of the 365 challenge on UKS. We were asked to do it monochromatic so I went for grey through to black. Pic was taken by dd1 on her new camera.
And this is my lo for September week 1 challenge on UKS. Had to use a Bee Gees song title, some ribbon, res, buttons and bling. pic is dgs1 learning to master the pedals on his bike.